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UX/UI designer by night, Creative Researcher by day and vampire by default.

Hey, I’m Jess, a passionate storyteller with a background in filmmaking and a growing fascination with the world of UX/Product Design. While my career began crafting narratives through the lens of a camera, I'm now drawn to the challenges of creating intuitive and engaging experiences that seamlessly integrate into people's lives.

My filmmaking journey instilled in me a deep understanding of human emotions, visual communication, and the power of crafting compelling narratives. I bring a unique blend of creativity, empathy, and problem-solving skills to the table, honed through years of collaborating on film projects. Now, I'm excited to leverage these skills to design products that empower users.

This website serves as a documentation of my journey at the intersection of film and UX design. Explore my work and connect with me to learn more!

Aside from experiencing constant existential crises; I also like to garden (I'm passionate about food security and sustainability), making short films/photography and trying out new restaurants.

I love sharing stories and making new friends. Let's chat!


About Me

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